Monday, June 21, 2010

KCDC Kanban Presentation Slides

My Kansas City Developer’s Conference presentation slides are available for download (“Why Kanban?”).  For those who saw my LSSC10 presentation in April, the slide deck is very similar, with just minor modifications for the intended audience.  This talk is designed as an introduction to Kanban, so advanced topics like classes of service are only touched on briefly.

I failed to mention the local Limited WIP Society chapter ( during my talk.  If you are interested in participating in the continuing discussion with other local Lean and Kanban practitioners, then join the mailing list. We try to meet on a monthly basis for a casual lunch or dinner.

Thanks for the interest in Kanban!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Speaking at KCDC on Kanban for Software

I'm honored to be speaking on Kanban at the Kansas City Developer's Conference on Saturday, June 19, 2010.  Details are here:

Interesting in attending?  It's free!  They will feed you (free again) twice during the day.  And there are some great speakers.   Register here:

My talk will be a variation of my presentation for the Lean Software and Systems Conference in April.  Attend the conference, enjoy the networking opportunity, and ask me some tough questions!